Updated: The group is already unlocked.
The official Russian-language group of MMORPG Tarisland on the VKontakte social network has been blocked. About it reported developers in their Telegram channel, noting that they are already working on solving the problem. The reason for the ban is the holding of a competition, one of the conditions of which is pre-registration on the site, which is contrary to the rules of the site.
When trying to go to page An error appears with the message “The community is blocked for holding dubious competitions or promotions.” However, the authors assure that no manipulations were carried out with the results. They promised to be more careful in organizing future events and to become transparent in their conduct.
Below is the correspondence between the group and the support service, but, unfortunately, the text of the response is difficult to make out due to the low quality of the image.
Let us remind you that the global release of MMORPG Tarislan will take place on June 21, 2024, and in China the game will be released even earlier – June 12, 2024.