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At the start of early access, the PvPvE action game Dungeonborne will receive a translation into Russian

As the PvPvE action game Dungeonborne develops, developers at Mithril Interactive are answering questions from the community about the future state of the game. There were some interesting answers in the last set of answers. Thus, it became known that at the start of early access the game will receive a translation into Russian, Korean and German, and in the future this list will be gradually expanded. The release date for the game in early access has not been announced, but most likely it will start in 2024.

As for new products and updates, we chose the most interesting:

  • New classes will appear in the game, for example, Necromancer for the Undead. The addition of a new race of elves will introduce new classes to the game.
  • Game balance strives to ensure that all classes are in demand in PvP, but at the same time there will be small bonuses and vulnerabilities to other characters. For example, assassins do better against mages than against heavily armored warriors.
  • The graphics will receive an update and will be able to show a higher quality picture.
  • Protection from RMT will appear – your partners’ items will be returned to them if you take them out of the dungeon.
  • A tag system for the command will appear.
  • The game is focused on playing in teams of three, but other modes will appear in the future.
  • The bonus system for equipment and passive skills will be reworked. Now players can get all the passive skills, but in the future they will have to choose the ones that suit their playstyle.
  • New items of equipment will appear in the game, including weapons.

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