“Caliber” will stop working on Windows 7 with the release of update 0.24.0

"Caliber" will stop working on Windows 7 with the release of update 0.24.0

The creators of the multiplayer third-person shooter “Caliber” announced the end of support for the game on Windows 7. The project will stop working on this operating system with the release of update 0.24.0, so players are recommended to upgrade to a more modern version. This is due to the improvement of the anti-cheat EOS Anti-Cheat, which is not compatible with the old OS, but can help better deal with dishonest players.

Update 0.24.0 for Caliber will also change the stamina system, rebalance more than 30 skills, improve bots, add melee combat, make changes to the RAID collection, and add reduced spread and recoil when shooting while sitting while aiming.

Caliber will stop working on Windows 7 with the release "Caliber" will stop working on Windows 7 with the release of update 0.24.0

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