Co-founder and CTO Johan Andersson leaves Embark Studios

Co-founder and CTO Johan Andersson leaves Embark Studios

Johan Andersson, co-founder and CTO of Embark Studios, has left his post, and Nexon’s investment in the young studio may not pay off. This was reported by the South Korean portal MTN.

Embark Studios was created in 2018 as an in-house studio for Nexon, with investments rumored to be as high as US$350 million. It was planned that two projects would be created that would not be inferior in popularity to the Battlefield series of games. Many former DICE specialists were brought into the young studio, which even soured the relationship between Nexon and Electronic Arts.

The first project was the team shooter THE FINALS with an impressive destruction system. At the launch, the game was able to attract the attention of players, but faced a number of problems, including cheaters. In recent months, the project has shown a peak online number of around 16-20 thousand players, although at the start this figure exceeded 200 thousand. The release of the PvPvE shooter ARC Raiders should take place in the near future, but its prospects for becoming a hit are rather vague.

All this, according to MTN, could have a negative impact on the situation at Embark Studios, and the parent company wanted to restructure the studio. Perhaps it was for this reason that Johan Andersson left his post.

Co founder and CTO Johan Andersson leaves Embark Studios Co-founder and CTO Johan Andersson leaves Embark Studios

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