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Fan-made cracker Wuthering Waves has been released – Translation into Russian

The fans kept their promise and quickly released a crack for the adventure role-playing action game Wuthering Waves. You can download it in the unofficial Russian-language Telegram channel dedicated to the game, at this link.

To install the cracker you need to upload the downloaded file WuWaRu.exe to a folder Wuthering Waves Gamewhere the file is located Wuthering Waves.exeand then run it. After that, in the window that appears, click on the “Download” button to download the necessary files.

It is worth noting that this localization is machine-made and made through the Deepl service, which means there may be inaccuracies and clumsiness in the translation. However, this should be enough to understand the plot and the characters’ abilities for those who are not fluent in English.

Attention: The portal is not responsible for possible consequences after installing the cracker. Download it at your own risk!

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