MMORPG Albion Online again broke the record for the number of players after the launch of the Euro server

MMORPG Albion Online again broke the record for the number of players after the launch of the Euro server

Sandbox Interactive boasted a new record for its MMORPG with sandbox elements Albion Online. It became known that after the launch of the European server, the average number of daily active users reached 350 thousand. Moreover, more than 150,000 players a day visit the new server alone.

Steam online has also increased. At the same time, more than 27,000 players were playing Albion Online through Valve’s service on all servers, which is also the highest figure.

“Albion is now more vibrant than ever, with new, experienced and returning players from all over the world actively developing the European server. Thank you, our community, for your continued support, making Albion what it is today and what it will be in the future!” – said the developers.

Let’s remember that the previous record of 300,000 daily active users was set in April last year, when the Asian server launched.

MMORPG Albion Online again broke the record for the number MMORPG Albion Online again broke the record for the number of players after the launch of the Euro server

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