MMORPG Scars of Honor will soon be released on Kickstarter – Game development will continue even if it fails

MMORPG Scars of Honor will soon be released on Kickstarter - Game development will continue even if it fails

The developers of the MMORPG Scars of Honor have announced a fundraising campaign for Kickstarter. It will begin on February 6, 2024. The exact amount required is currently unknown, but it has been confirmed that it will be small. However, even if suddenly the necessary money is not raised, the team promised to continue development anyway.

The authors have so far revealed details only of the highest of the basic remuneration levels – “Count” (Earl). By donating a certain amount, you will receive the following:

  • Exclusive mount.
  • “Honorary Account” license, which gives access to all stages of testing.
  • 6-month Observer subscription offering unlimited gameplay on a unique development server.
  • Your name will be immortalized in the history of the game on an in-game monument.
  • Appearance points for skins, badges and access to a secret discord channel.

The release date for Scars of Honor is still unknown.

MMORPG Scars of Honor will soon be released on Kickstarter MMORPG Scars of Honor will soon be released on Kickstarter - Game development will continue even if it fails
1704889806 239 MMORPG Scars of Honor will soon be released on Kickstarter MMORPG Scars of Honor will soon be released on Kickstarter - Game development will continue even if it fails
1704889806 894 MMORPG Scars of Honor will soon be released on Kickstarter MMORPG Scars of Honor will soon be released on Kickstarter - Game development will continue even if it fails

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