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“Red Fury” from comics from BUBBLE arrived in “World of Tanks”

Lesta Games continues cooperation with the Russian comics publishing house BUBBLE. The developers of the multiplayer action game “World of Tanks” this time announced the start of a collaboration, within the framework of which a new commander, Nika Chaikina, also known as the “Red Fury,” will appear in the game.

Nika Chaikina is the main character of the Red Fury comic series from BUBBLE. She is a red-haired super spy with high moral principles and a kind heart. The girl strives to help others and is even merciful even to her enemies, because she believes that every villain has a chance at redemption.

“This is not the first time our company has fruitfully collaborated with the publishing house Bubble Comics, but this collaboration with World of Tanks is unique for the project. The adventures of the superheroine Red Fury – Nika Chaikina – fit extremely well into the story of our summer battle pass, dedicated to the comics of Soviet retrofuturism, and her superpower of pyrokinesis – setting objects on fire with the power of thought and controlling fire – is perfect for the tank theme,” said the game’s operational director ” World of Tanks” Boris Sinitsky.

“We are confident that the appearance of the famous Red Fury team from the popular BUBBLE comic book series will appeal to many and everyone will find that very hero through whom they can immerse themselves in the world of spies and mysteries,” added Elena Slesareva, head of marketing. communications Bubble and Bubble Studios.

The collaboration will end on September 11, 2024.

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