Right before the release, Once Human will undergo a two-week test – but without losing progress

Right before the release, Once Human will undergo a two-week test - but without losing progress

The developers of the multiplayer survival simulator Once Human are going to conduct another stage of closed beta testing, which will last two weeks. However, this time there will be no progress reset, so you can continue to play with your characters after release.

Testing will begin on June 26, at 3:00 Moscow time, and will take place only on PC. In order to be able to participate, you must fill out a special form questionnaireby answering a few questions. This stage will end on July 10, at 3:00 Moscow time, that is, on the day of the official release on PC and mobile devices.

It is worth noting that during the upcoming test only PVE servers will be running, so PVP fans will still have to wait for the release. According to the developers, the stage is carried out to verify in-game purchases.

Right before the release Once Human will undergo a two week Right before the release, Once Human will undergo a two-week test - but without losing progress

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