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Side activities in Star Wars Outlaws take the same amount of time as the story campaign

During the Summer Game Fest 2024, interviewed the heads of Star Wars Outlaws development. Narrative director Navid Havari and director Matthias Carlson answered questions. We chose the most interesting of their answers.

The character of the criminal was formed in the early stages of development, and alien races were not discussed. Kay Vess and her pet named Nyx are practically a single entity: they participate in business together and have their own mysterious history. The game will feature characters familiar to many fans: Jabba the Hutt and Lando Calrissian from the original trilogy, as well as Kira from the 2018 Han Solo film.

The developers have implemented five planets on which the events of the game will unfold:

  • Toshara is an Outer Rim moon. It is inspired by the savannahs of Africa and is quite different from all the planets previously seen in the Star Wars franchise.
  • Planet Cantonica, famous for the coastal casino city of Canto Bight.
  • The snowy planet Kijimi, where the player will meet a new crime syndicate for the franchise.
  • The jungle planet Akiva.
  • And, of course, the planet Tatooine, which the developers found “incredibly interesting” to implement.

The amount of space available for exploration on planets varies, but in any case, players will have plenty of opportunities to explore freely. Kay Vess uses a speeder to move around huge locations, but the developers hint that there will be an opportunity to try out other means of transportation. The player will be able to return to any planet at a time convenient for him and finish searching for all the riddles.

One of the central systems of the game will be the reputation and relationships of the main character with various syndicates. Kay Vess is very freedom-loving and does not seek to unite with any group. But it is the player’s actions that will determine with whom the relationship will ultimately be good. As for reputation with the Empire, it will be possible to bribe an official and thereby lower your wanted rating.

Equally important in the game will be character development and gaining new opportunities. You can improve the abilities of Nyx, your speeder, blaster, ship, and Kay herself. Equipment items will affect both gameplay and appearance.

As for the length of the game, side quests and exploration of the world take the same amount of time as the story campaign. And you can spend more than one hour of your time playing Sabacc.

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