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Testing of MMORPG Corepunk was stopped due to widespread problems with servers

The May alpha testing of MMORPG Corepunk was marred from the very beginning by problems with servers and an error related to sending out invitations. On the first day, the developers were forced to reset progress and urgently solve emerging problems. However, they were unable to quickly fix all the problems. Therefore, today (June 1st), they announced the early completion of testing.

“Unfortunately, we are seeing that outages have returned and are having a major impact on gameplay, so we want to focus more closely on a number of issues that have arisen.
In the near future we will announce the dates of a new test, during which we want to check the stability of the servers and the performance of the game client.”

The approximate dates for the new testing stage will be announced next week, but the developers will need “several weeks” to resolve the identified problems.

“For us, the developers, this was very successful, because now we know where and what broke. The previous test with 2,000 people was more stable, but at 15,000 people errors began to appear. This is exactly what we wanted to see, to check the infrastructure and solve all the identified problems.
Now we need to fix disconnects, shard issues, lags and other things to test the gameplay without distractions.
So we’ll do another test in a few weeks. We will determine the exact dates next week. This time we will focus on optimization and rebalancing.”

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