The authors of Last Epoch commented on the situation with exploits and RMT

The authors of Last Epoch commented on the situation with exploits and RMT

The authors of the isometric Action RPG Last Epoch published on official forum a message regarding exploits found in the game and cases of trading in-game items for real money (RMT). The developers explained what had already been done to prevent this and shared plans for the future.

In general, the team takes all kinds of exploits and RMT seriously. Every time another dishonest game is detected, they are thoroughly investigated, and the violators receive a blocking of the game account. Since the release, which took place on February 21, 2024, 2 exploits have been identified:

  • The first one made it possible to duplicate game items through the bazaar, and was discovered three days after the release of the release version of the game. This vulnerability was fixed on the same day when the developers became aware of it.
  • The second exploit involved excessive gold acquisition and was reported “recently.” It took less than 24 hours to fix it from the moment it was discovered.

It is likely that blocking violators and withdrawing all “extra” items and game currency will be enough to restore the broken economy. But if this does not help, then the developers will take additional steps, the details of which are not disclosed at this time.

As for preventing the emergence of new similar situations, work is going on in several directions at once. On the one hand, the team is working on the technical condition of the game. On the other hand, various options for influencing the game economy are being discussed. For example, the Merchant’s Guild has an undue influence on inflation, and perhaps version 1.1 will introduce a transaction tax to adjust the flow of gold between players.

The authors of Last Epoch commented on the situation with The authors of Last Epoch commented on the situation with exploits and RMT

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