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The producer of MMORPG Throne and Liberty spoke about sieges and the updated equipment stat system

Producer of MMORPG Throne and Liberty Jongok Ahn (안종옥, Jongok Ahn) published a new letter from the developers, in which he spoke about two expected events: an update to the character stat system and the first siege. We have selected the main thoughts from this letter and prepared a translation for our readers.

First of all, I would like to point out that the developers are aware of rumors that the global version will be different from the Korean version. But the producer assured that no differences in content or monetization are planned. The version that Amazon Games will publish will be completely identical to the version from NCSOFT. If any differences appear, the developers will immediately notify players about this.

Unification of offensive stats

Changes to the stat system will occur on January 31, 2024. The developers want to combine several stats into one to avoid the current situation where players create weapon combinations only within the conventional three types: ranged, melee and magic.

All types of long-range, melee and magical attack characteristics on equipment will be unified into three general attack parameters: accuracy, critical hit, heavy hit (double hit). All these changes will affect attack stats on weapons, equipment and jewelry. Defensive stats will not be reworked and will remain in their current state – this will allow players to choose how they want to defend against different types of attacks.

In addition, some final stat values ​​on equipment will be revised to make it unique and distinctive. Special skills available on some items will not be changed, but will be left as is.

Green – what will be changed, red – what will not be changed

Distribution of taxes and conduct of siege

The second issue that worries players is the conditions for sieges and the distribution of taxes. At the moment, two taxes are levied on each purchase: 2% goes to the castle treasury, and 20% is removed from the game (“burned”). Taxes remaining in the game are also divided into two parts: 90% are stored in Stonegard Castle, and 10% are stored in a chest near Vienta Village. It is this chest that the golem will carry as part of the Tax Delivery event to deliver taxes to the castle.

The owner of the castle cannot immediately gain access to all the lucents and solanths stored in the castle treasury: only a part will be available. This was done to prevent one guild or alliance from getting their hands on all the accumulated wealth at once. The exact amount that the castle owner can access will be known after the siege. The reward can be distributed both within a clan and between clans within the same alliance. In addition, the owner of the castle can adjust the tax rate on the server.

It is worth noting that the game contains the term “Legion”, which refers to the alliance that owns the castle. The first owner of the castle will be the guild that ranks first in the activity rating on the server.

But not only the owner of the castle, but also the attacking guilds will be able to get part of the taxes. There are several points in the castle that generate a certain amount of money every 5 minutes and whoever captures these points makes a profit from them. Even if your guild was unable to capture the castle, it can make a small profit from participating in the siege and reduce the income of the castle owners.

The second way to get some of the taxes is to prevent taxes from being delivered from Vienta Village to Stonegard Castle as part of the Tax Delivery event. An officer of the guild that owns the castle must turn into a siege golem and walk a dangerous path on which enemies and traps await him. The developers expect this event to be as massive and dramatic as a castle siege.

As for the conditions of the siege, the developers released a special video in which they showed the main points:

  • At the beginning of the siege, only the alliance that owns the castle will remain in the castle, and all other players will be teleported to Vienta Village. All NPCs will also disappear.
  • Besiegers can summon siege golems that can both transport players on themselves and break down gates and castle walls.
  • The castle gate can be opened by simultaneously activating a pair of levers.
  • The Gigantrite flying whale can be used as an air transport and can be jumped from it directly into the castle.
  • There are several secret passages that can be accessed in different ways.
  • There are several useful points on the territory both for resurrecting allies and for looting the castle treasury.
  • To capture the castle, you need to make your way into the throne room and protect your guild leader for three minutes while he is in a special transformation.
  • The siege of the castle lasts 45 minutes, but if at the end of the siege the throne is captured, the siege will automatically extend for the remaining time.
  • After a siege, the Legion can repair damaged castle walls and gates in preparation for the next siege.

The producer announced that the developers are already discussing and preparing new content for the games, and they will tell us about it soon. The team will also monitor the distribution of players and quickly carry out server mergers.

You can read the full version of the producer’s letter at official website.

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