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Wrath of the Lich King has returned to China

The return of Blizzard games to China was announced back in April 2024, but only today the first project was relaunched. It became the “classic” version of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. After completing a seven-day test in which more than 120,000 players took part, NetEase quickly opened game servers.

There are currently two open servers, the names of which were chosen by players by voting on the official website: 吉安娜 (“Jaina”) and 死亡猎手 (“Death Hunter”). The publisher stated that the server capacity will be larger than before and there will be no queues or unstable situations.

NetEase previously explained its decision to select the first game to be restored in the country. This is due both to the popularity of World of Warcraft and to the technical features of the process. For example, the “classic” version uses only part of the basic services, which will have to be used when launching the current version.

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