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Wuthering Waves Guide – Game Tips for Beginners

If you’re just starting out in Wuthering Waves, you might want to get a few tips to get you started. In this guide, we have collected recommendations for passing, leveling up, fighting and exploring the world.

General Tips

  • To start, focus on completing the main storyline. It’s worth exploring the open world only when increasing your character’s level becomes mandatory to continue the story.
  • Each area contains a variety of treasures, special enemies, puzzles, and quests. For completing them you will receive experience, Astrites, Tuners and various materials.
  • Complete research tasks as they can affect the environment and make your research easier.
  • After exploring, be sure to visit NPCs such as the Pioneer Association, Souvenir Shop, and Relic Merchant to gain even more resources.

Craft and shops

  • The Synthesizer allows you to create healing/restorative items, as well as combine low-quality materials into higher-quality materials.
  • You can buy weekly materials from the weapons dealer, and behind him there is a panel that allows you to craft purple weapons.
  • Visit the grocery store to purchase the necessary ingredients for cooking (some of them can be found in the open world). Prepare delicious dishes that will strengthen your characters for a certain time.
  • Mining ore in the open world will come in handy, as it will be needed to create 4-star weapons.

Daily and weekly tasks

  • Complete the daily and weekly challenges in the Battle Pass – the rewards from the free path are pretty good.
  • The Depths of the Illusive Realm has a set of weekly rewards, so try to complete enough playthroughs to get them all.
  • Fast traveling to the main teleport point (one for each area) will revive and fully heal your team, so save your healing items for when you don’t have access to the teleport.
  • Always complete daily quests as they provide a huge amount of Union Experience for your account.

Leveling Up and Using Wave Plates

  • Don’t let your Waveplates reach their maximum value. 240 is the maximum amount you can store and recover within 24 hours.
  • Decide on the main composition of your team as early as possible to avoid wasting resources and be able to farm the Echoes you need more efficiently.
  • Ideally, a team should have a main damage dealer (DD), a secondary damage dealer, and a support character. The main characters should be on the battlefield more often than others, so including 3 of them in the team is more likely to hinder.
  • Don’t level up more than 3 main damage dealers, as 3 is enough to clear the Challenge Tower in the late game.
  • At the initial stage, try not to waste Wave Plates on the training simulator, as you will receive enough materials to upgrade resonators and weapons from story and exploration rewards.
  • Instead, use Wave Plates on open world bosses, they give the elevation materials you’ll need. Open world bosses respawn 3 minutes after being killed, so if you want to farm the same one, just wait a couple of minutes for it to spawn again.
  • At the beginning of the game, level up your main damage dealer to the maximum level, and the rest of your main team can be 10 levels behind to save resources.
  • Don’t invest too much in 3-star weapons as they are a temporary solution until you get 4-star and 5-star weapons.
  • Keep an eye out for the weekly boss and see which one you need to defeat depending on which Resonator you want to upgrade.


  • Strive to increase the level of your Data Bank to level 15 as quickly as possible, since the Echo system largely depends on it. The best way is to simply kill all the enemies you come across.
  • In the Echo Gallery you can track the Echoes needed to gain Data Bank experience.
  • There are unmarked mini-bosses scattered throughout the world that are guaranteed to give you an Echo.
  • It is not necessary to activate 5-set bonuses on your Echoes early on. You can use two 2-set bonuses instead, as they will be easier to obtain and will still provide a significant damage boost.
  • Don’t upgrade every Echo you find. The materials for this are limited and you don’t want to waste them.
  • You shouldn’t upgrade green or blue Echoes to a high level, as they will quickly become obsolete.
  • In the early game, you shouldn’t pump purple and yellow Echoes above +10/+15, as after that their maximum level becomes exponentially more expensive.
  • Feel free to use low rarity Tuners as they are not suitable for yellow Echoes.

The battle

  • Go to training mode on the resonator screen to learn how to use them correctly.
  • Don’t skip the tutorial fights, as they introduce you to key mechanics that will be important when fighting stronger enemies.
  • Wait until the Concerto skill is full before switching to another character, as it will give you boosts and extra damage.
  • Stronger enemies have a daze bar. They will be immobilized if you empty this bar.
  • If you dodge an attack at the last moment, you will activate Extreme Evasion – slowing down time for a short time.
  • Try to choose the best active Echo for yourself. You can activate a special attack determined by the active Echo you choose. Choose what you think best suits your play style.
  • Feel free to use Echo’s abilities! They don’t consume any resources other than cooldown, so don’t be afraid to use them as often as possible.

These are just some of the general tips to help you get started playing Wuthering Waves. Play at your own pace, explore the world and have fun!

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