Evercore Heroes Guide – How a match works in the game

Evercore Heroes Guide - How a match works in the game

The developers of the cooperative roguelike action game Evercore Heroes decided to stir up user interest in the game and published an official guide. In it, they explained how the match plays out, starting with the single hub and ending with the victory screen. We have prepared for you a translation of the article into Russian with some corrections.

Evercore Heroes Guide How a match works in the Evercore Heroes Guide - How a match works in the game

The studio cautioned that Evercore Heroes is still in development, which means some of the information in the guide may change over time.

Unlocking content and creating packs

Before you begin the mission, you will always start at Everay Castle, the local hub for players. This is a single player location where you can:

  • Get acquainted with new plot elements and take part in them.
  • Unlock new heroes and check all the shards that you have already found or have not yet found.
  • Upgrade, unlock and choose upgrades for your heroes.
  • Visit a cooking station to use newly found ingredients to create recipes that last during your races.
  • Collect new skins for your heroes to go on an adventure in style.
  • Fight against dummies to theoretically develop new builds.
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The developers promise to tell you more about the hub in one of the future blogs.

Evercore Heroes Guide How a match works in the Evercore Heroes Guide - How a match works in the game

Choosing a guard and going on a mission

Once you’ve completed your preparation and are ready for the next mission, it’s time to choose your favorite Guardian (that’s what heroes are called here). The game features a unique and diverse roster of Guardians, and more will be added over time for you to experiment with. Currently, all Guardians are divided into three main categories: tank, support and damage.

While some heroes choose to stick to their main role and act more straightforwardly, others are more complex and can take on other roles depending on what upgrades you choose and what rewards you receive along the way. Experiment with your team, redefine roles or create completely new ones and create new team synergies like never before.

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Shared adventure and challenges

After you and your friends select Guardians, the selected mission will be launched. Each mission can be replayed and will take place in one of the regions of the world of Lumeria. Each region offers new shards to collect, new types of enemies to face, and different final challenges.

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The run will consist of several dynamic random islands (rooms) that you need to pass through, which will become increasingly difficult as you progress through the mission. If you make it to the end, you’ll encounter the final game event of the selected mission, which could be a brutal boss fight, for example.

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Developing strategies and making decisions

Each mission will present you with different types of random islands, each with their own challenges and rewards. You may be tasked with killing all the enemies on the island, surviving for a certain amount of time, or facing a challenge such as a large laser tower that needs to be destroyed, and many others. The rewards are also quite varied: it could be a powerful fragment, improved abilities or characteristics, more gold, or something completely different.

After winning the island and receiving the reward, you will have to decide which of the next islands to go to next with your team. Do you need immediate power or do you want to invest in the future at the risk of not going any further? Do you want to recuperate and get rewards, or should you go with a very specific build? You and your team have to decide and create a build that can overcome all the challenges of the mission.

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Completing and receiving rewards

Regardless of whether you reach the end point and achieve a glorious victory or heroically fall halfway, the race will end. However, you will also receive some loot upon completion. You will receive rewards depending on how far you have progressed and what actions you have taken. Once you return to Castle Everae, you can use these rewards to unlock new content for future runs.

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Evercore Heroes will be released in early access at the end of 2024, but there may be closed beta stages before that.

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