Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Tips and Tricks – Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Beginner’s Guide

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Tips and Tricks - Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Beginner's Guide

In anticipation of the release of jRPG Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the developers have prepared an official guide with tips and tricks for the game. It talks about various game mechanics that will be useful to know about before starting the game. We have translated the article into Russian for you.

ATB is everything

Let’s start with the basics. Standard attacks deal damage to enemies, but their main value is filling the ATB gauge. You can then spend it on more powerful abilities and spells.

Train yourself to use attacks to replenish ATB, and abilities and skills to deal damage and stun opponents. By combining standard attacks and ATB actions in this way, you can deal damage much more effectively than simply pressing square.

Blocking is safer than dodging

In Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, you have two main defensive options – blocking and dodging. Dodging allows you to completely avoid being hit, so you might assume it’s the best way, but it’s not.

Enemies hit hard and fast. It is much safer to block R1 – you will receive a small amount of damage, but much less than if the enemy hit you. Additionally, you will receive a small ATB boost when attacking.

It’s even better if you time your block perfectly, because in this case the damage will not go through at all, and sometimes the enemy can even be knocked down. Besides, it’s very nice. Keep in mind that the parry time may be limited, so it is often safer to simply make a standard block and take the hits.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Tips and Tricks Final Fantasy Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Tips and Tricks - Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Beginner's Guide

Watch out for exclamation marks in attacks

The name of the enemy’s attack will appear above his head, letting you know that he is about to land powerful blows and that it is time to defend.

However, be careful if you see an exclamation mark next to the name of the attack. This is an unblockable attack, so no matter how hard you hold R1, it will deal full damage to you.

The only way out is to get out of the way. Watch your opponent’s movements and prepare to dodge or run to a new position to avoid the attack.

Exploit weaknesses and stun enemies

Many enemies in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth have their own weaknesses that can be exploited to deal extra damage. For example, flying enemies are often susceptible to wind attacks, so Aero spells can be useful for quickly destroying them.

Additionally, weaknesses often increase the stun bar – if it fills up, the enemy will be stunned and take more damage from your attacks. In fact, stunning enemies is the best way to quickly dispatch them.

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Assess is your main weapon

You might think that the Buster Sword is the best weapon in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Or maybe it’s Junon’s giant cannon? No, this is Assess matter, and you should always have it.

Every enemy is different, and the requirements for stunning them are also different. Sometimes this can be as simple as exploiting an elemental weakness, and other times it can be interrupting certain attacks, dealing large amounts of damage, or even more unique moves.

Using Assess on an enemy, you will learn all his secrets – weaknesses, resistances and – most importantly – what you need to do to suppress him (pressure) or stagger (stagger). This is especially useful in Fiend Intel missions, where you need to perform special tasks during combat.

Once you’ve studied an enemy with this materia, its data is saved forever – if you encounter an enemy of the same type again, a single press of the touchpad in battle will show all the information about it again.

So study everyone you fight!

Focused attacks are great for increasing stagger

When you hit the enemy’s weak points, you overwhelm him. Enemies under pressure take more stagger damage, so use “focused” attacks to quickly fill the bar.

Cloud has Focused Thrust, Barret has Focused Shot, and Tifa has Focused Strike. Each of these attacks increases the stagger level. Use them on an opponent under pressure and he’ll be that much closer to being knocked down.

Use weak points as often as possible to make battles much easier. In addition, they often suppress enemies, allowing them to fill the stagger bar under their health.

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Change partners to fill ATB

The rest of your party, left to their own devices, will fight competently, but if you want to quickly fill up their ATB to use abilities, it’s best to take control.

You can switch to any of the three members of your active party at any time – this is highly recommended, as you will be able to fight more effectively and deal with enemies faster.

So get used to switching between characters during battle.

…and develop synergistic abilities

Synergy Abilities were introduced in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. These special attacks allow two heroes to join forces to produce super powerful attacks, buffs, and other effects.

Of course, you can’t just use them – you have to earn them. Each ability requires a gig of synergy, which is earned by using certain abilities and spells. To perform a combo attack, both heroes must replenish their synergy reserves.

This is another reason to switch between characters in battle. If you don’t take the time to build these charges, you won’t be able to pull off the biggest, flashiest, most grin-inducing moves in the game.

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Use synergistic abilities at the right time

Synergy abilities have additional effects, such as increasing characters’ Limit Break level, unlocking more powerful attacks, giving them unlimited MP, and much more.

Choose when to use these powerful attacks to get the most benefit. For example, if you have a synergistic ability that extends the stagger time, then it is better to use it on a stunned enemy, and if you are trying to suppress an enemy, then unlimited MP can be very useful.

There’s a lot more to cover, but experiment with different combinations to find your own effective strategies.

Synergistic skills allow you to accumulate ATB of two characters at once

In addition to synergy abilities, you also have access to synergy skills.

These are activated using specific buttons while blocking – you can see the options on the left side of the screen when you hold R1. The good thing about these skills is that they don’t require ATB to use, and at the same time, they can help you fill the bars of two characters at once.

Each synergy skill has a different function, so take the time to try them out and learn how they can be used in combat.

Heal between fights

If you get beaten in battle, be sure to stop to heal – with items, healing materia, or on a nearby bench.

Going into battle with reduced health puts you at a disadvantage from the start, so stay alert and healthy to avoid losing.

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This concludes the guide with tips for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Remember that if you have a save file from Final Fantasy VII Remake, Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, or FF7R Episode INTERmission, you will be able to obtain the following items in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth:

Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4/PS5)

  • Summon Materia – Leviathan

Final Fantasy VII Remake Episode INTERmission

  • Summoning Materia – Ramuh

Please note that saves must be on the PS5 system.

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