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Players of World of Tanks, World of Ships and Tanks Blitz for WWII veterans collected more than 119 million rubles

At the beginning of May, we talked about the start of a charity event launched by Lesta Games in its games. By purchasing sets in projects such as “World of Tanks”, “World of Ships” and Tanks Blitz, players thus invested money into a common piggy bank to help veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Now it has become known that over 150 thousand players took part in the promotion, who collected a total of 119,319,089 rubles. The entire amount will be donated to the Memory of Generations charity foundation.

“Victory Day is a holiday, the importance of which only grows over the years. The generation of veterans is gradually passing away, but the memory of their feat is not. Helping the surviving heroes of the Great Patriotic War became a common cause that brought the players together. The Great Victory resonates in each of us, and the huge number of players who supported the action is proof of this.” – said Malik Khatazhaev, head of Lesta Games.

“The results of collaboration with the Lesta Games group of companies are simply stunning! 119 million rubles – we have never had such large collections in the entire history of the Red Carnation campaign! The players, together with the Lesta Games Group of Companies, will provide invaluable support to veterans of the Great Patriotic War from Russia and Belarus. We will talk about the assistance provided on the foundation’s website and social networks – it is very important for us that all participants in the action see the result of their contribution to the project and real help to veterans!” – added Katerina Kruglova, executive director of the Memory of Generations charity foundation.

The Memory of Generations Foundation promises to publicly inform about the assistance provided. Information will also appear on Lesta Games resources.

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