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Hawk Ops answered user questions

Team Jade recently held an Ask Shadow Anything session to answer questions from users regarding the upcoming first-person shooter Delta Force: Hawk Ops. We have collected all the questions and answers for you in this article and translated them into Russian.

Release plans

When will the global release take place?

We are currently still finalizing the game’s release schedule, and will tell you more about it at the right time. We are currently focused on testing and receiving player feedback to ensure a fully optimized experience that fully meets expectations at launch.

Will the game be available in Asia, including beta testing?

We really feel the support of our fans all over Asia. While the upcoming PC alpha, scheduled for July, is focused on North America and Europe, we hope to conduct follow-up testing in Asia before launch.

On what platforms besides Steam will the game be available?

Our upcoming alpha testing on PC in July will focus on Steam and the official Delta Force: Hawk Ops launcher. Testing on other platforms and plans for their launch will be announced later.

In which regions will the game be available?

Platform restrictions on Steam currently exclude the regions of Taiwan, Vietnam and Russia, while the Epic Games Store has similar restrictions and includes South Korea and Brazil. We hope to resolve this issue in the future, but in the meantime, remember that the game will also be available through the official launcher from the website Regional availability of mobile and console versions has not yet been confirmed. Follow the news!

When will the global beta testing of the mobile version begin?

Extensive testing of the mobile version of Delta Force: Hawk Ops is currently underway in China, with international versions in development. We will inform you as soon as international tests for mobile devices are scheduled.

What are the system requirements for the mobile version of DF:HO?

To give an idea, the current mobile device requirements for the Chinese test are as follows:


  • Recommended: Qualcomm Snapdragon 865, Dimensity 8000, Kirin 9000E
  • Minimum: Qualcomm Snapdragon 845, Dimensity 1000, Kirin 985
  • Memory: 8 GB recommended, 4 GB minimum
  • Storage: 15 GB


  • Recommended: iPhone 11 and above
  • Minimum: iPhone X

We are constantly optimizing the game for different devices, and our goal is to ensure that as many players as possible can enjoy the game on their devices.

Will there be controller support on mobile devices and PC?

To be honest, controller support wasn’t high on our list of priorities until we showed off the game during Summer Game Fest. The feedback we’ve received is loud and clear: please add controller support! So yes, this is indeed something that we are committed to implementing as soon as possible. However, note that controller support is unlikely to be ready for the July alpha test on PC.

Will cross-platform play be supported?

We have no plans to add cross-play support between PC and mobile devices as we believe it would be unfair to players on both platforms. We are still looking into cross-play options between consoles and PC and will update you as soon as we have news on this.


Will there be co-op support in the Black Hawk Down campaign mode?

Yes, co-op play is available in the Black Hawk Down campaign. In this mode, you will fight alongside Delta Force operatives, and it was important to us to bring back the old magic of Delta Force by allowing players to form teams to fight on the war-torn streets. Of course, you can play solo for an extra challenge!

Will the campaign contain microtransactions or will it be free?

The Black Hawk Down campaign mode will be premium content and will not include microtransactions.

Will there be vehicle battles in the game and to what extent?

Vehicle combat will indeed be present in Delta Force: Hawk Ops. Nine different combat vehicles are expected in the upcoming July alpha testing on PC, such as M1A4 main battle tanks, LAV-AA anti-aircraft vehicles, AH-1035D attack helicopters, assault boats, ATVs and much more!

Will there be any deformation of the area?

Terrain deformation is indeed part of the game and will be available to try out during the upcoming alpha testing on PC in July.

Will the game have a map editor like Novalogic’s traditional BHD version?

We understand that map editors can add another dimension to the gameplay, but for now we want to ensure that the existing three pillars of Delta Force: Hawk Ops – Havoc Warfare, Hazard Operations and Black Hawk Down – receive the attention and care they deserve. We might consider something similar in the future, but it’s not in our plans right now.

What are the plans for future DLC and new game modes? Will there be a Battle Royale mode?

We have big plans to support the game with new maps for Havoc Warfare and Hazard Operations modes. We will also be introducing new themes on a seasonal basis, bringing new features to existing game modes. We’ll talk about this later. There are currently no plans to add a Battle Royale mode.

Online service

How will character customization work?

Additional skins will be available for each of the game’s operatives, but the bulk of customization concerns weapons and vehicles. Our extensive weapon mastery system offers players a high degree of flexibility in how they want their weapons to look and feel, and unique skins will also be available to further customize your look.

How will the game ensure that there are no Pay-to-Win mechanics?

We want to be clear: we do not believe in Pay-to-Win mechanics and will not be including such elements in Delta Force: Hawk Ops. As a free-to-play game, we need to generate revenue to support the game, but we prefer to do this through cosmetic items such as operator and weapon skins. A fair and balanced playing environment is a top priority for the team.

How will the game deal with cheaters?

Our client and server teams, as well as the existing ACE security team, are being merged into the GTI Security team. This will be an internal task force dedicated to rooting out all forms of fraud and harmful behavior. We want to work with players to develop effective security measures, and the upcoming PC Alpha in July will be our first opportunity to begin this work on a large scale.

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