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Main differences, graphics, cross-progression and balance – Interview with the developers of the shooter Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile

On the eve of the release of the mobile multiplayer first-person shooter Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile, journalists from the Japanese portal talked with the developers to learn more about the game. We have prepared a translation of the interview into Russian especially for the website. Executive Producer and Design Director at Solid State Studio Tom Hess answered questions.

Tom Hess

What aspects did you consider most important when adapting Warzone to mobile?new platform?

As we brought the spirit of Warzone to the mobile world, our priority was not just to recreate the game, but to capture its unique charm. Warzone stands out from other battle royale games, and we wanted to maintain that uniqueness. Players can use controllers, but we’ve focused on making the game playable on the touchscreen, given the variety of gaming habits and time players are willing to dedicate to the game. Our goal is to provide everyone with an immersive experience in the world of Warzone, delivering a streamlined and immersive gaming experience on mobile devices.

Tell us about how the cross-progression feature was implemented?

The cross-progression feature was one of the key points we took into account from the very beginning of development. Our goal was not only to ensure that the game would appeal to players on mobile devices, but also that PC and console players could enjoy a familiar CoD experience anywhere. This was our main goal.

From your words, it seems that the new game is just a port of Warzone to mobile devices. Are there any plans to create unique content just for this version?

Great question. Indeed, we are considering the possibility of creating unique content specifically for the mobile version. Playing on mobile devices typically involves shorter gaming sessions compared to PC and consoles, and players may also be looking for a different gaming experience. Therefore, we are thinking about developing original modes and content with elements that are not in the existing Warzone. If such content receives positive feedback, we may even consider integrating it into the main Warzone game.

What advantages do you think your game has over other mobile battle royale shooters?

Our main advantage is that we bring the essence of Warzone to mobile devices. We put everything into the game: the technology and experience that the series has accumulated over the years, as well as what our fans love so much. We have collected all this and presented it in a mobile format, providing players with a “compact CoD experience.”

What are the differences between the already released Call of Duty: Mobile and your new game?

Our new game includes a multiplayer mode, but the main focus is on the battle royale mode. From a technical point of view, thanks to advances in technology, we have been able to bring the game engine used on PC and consoles directly to mobile devices. This has allowed us to offer a gaming experience that is as close to the quality of PC and consoles as possible, something that has not been seen in previous mobile games.

In addition, Call of Duty: Mobile has a different style and atmosphere from our new game. We believe these differences in gaming experience are a significant factor.

How were you able to achieve high quality graphics in the mobile version?

One of the key factors has been advances in technology. Our technology is constantly being improved, and thanks to the accumulated experience, we have been able to offer high quality products with stable performance. Although the development went smoothly, this caused us some surprise.

Cooperation with iOS and Android manufacturers, who showed interest and provided support, also played an important role. It was a great experience for our development team and we were able to achieve quality that is not usually available on mobile devices. We are committed to bringing this immersive experience to our players as soon as possible.

Given that the available platforms are mobile devices, what options are presented for ease of management?

Ease of control that ensures a comfortable gaming experience is extremely important. We offer special options for mobile devices, as well as recommended control settings. I think they will be suitable for both experienced players and newcomers to CoD and mobile games. You can also apply settings that your friends use, so don’t miss the chance to try them out.

Additionally, the game supports Bluetooth controllers, so if you prefer to play with a controller, please take advantage of this option.

A trial launch has already taken place in some regions. What has been the feedback from players?

Feedback from players in the trial run regions has been positive and we feel we have found the right approach. We’ve fixed thousands of bugs during this period and are excited to be able to release it globally in a more polished state. But we continue to improve the game, add new modes and release updates. Stay tuned for further news.

How often are changes to the game balance planned?

We plan to change balance at the same frequency as in Warzone. Gun justice is important and we are constantly monitoring the data. No weapon should be too strong, and our goal is for players to have more options to choose from. The ability to choose and customize weapons from a variety of available ones is one of the key elements that makes CoD unique.

In addition, although weapon balance will be Warzone-specific, if necessary, we are ready to make unique changes for the mobile version.

Warzone was fun to explore the maps and look for hidden easter eggs. Will there be similar elements in the new game?

There are currently no unique elements of this type in the game. Perhaps in the future we will add similar things, but for now there are no such plans.

Are there any plans for collaborations like those in Call of Duty: MW3 and Warzone that will go beyond the game and cause a big stir?

Of course, we are actively considering opportunities for collaborations. We want to create new crossovers every season, and in the near future, in particular in connection with the global release, we are planning a very large collaboration. We’re looking forward to showing it off to everyone.

Personally, I play as the singer Nicki Minaj, who appeared in Call of Duty: MW2 (laughs).

And finally, please say something to the players.

The development of the game was truly filled with love. As a CoD player, I’m excited to play it. And while we’re gearing up for a global launch that will bring the game to the world, I’m especially excited that players in Japan will be able to play it. I look forward to the day when everyone has the opportunity to play.

In Japan there is an event called Golden Week, and I heard that it is a lot of fun (laughs). We also have a little surprise planned for this time, so please look forward to that.

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