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The producer of MMORPG Throne and Liberty has no plans to ease the difficulty of new dungeons

In his tenth letter, the producer of MMORPG Throne and Liberty, Jongok Ahn (안종옥, Jongok Ahn), summed up the past 100 days since the game’s release and answered several questions from players. We chose the most interesting from this letter.

Firstly, the producer thanked the players for supporting and playing the project over the 100 days that have passed since the launch of the game in South Korea. During this time there were a lot of different memorable events. Among them were both positive and negative: a client memory leak at release, problems with server stability.

The latest update added the challenging co-op dungeon Island of Terror to the game, which has sparked some controversy. Some players consider it too difficult, but the developers assured that everything was planned that way. The new dungeons (which will appear in the next 4 weeks) are designed for the most powerful characters, and at the moment there are no plans to make them easier to complete. The developers recommend better preparation for completing them, and then problems will not arise.

The chance of items dropping in Challenge mode still causes dissatisfaction among people, although it has been increased compared to the Basic version. In fact, rare items can be guaranteed to be obtained for every three chest openings. But the developers understand that dragging out the passage of old dungeons is not fun. Therefore, in the March 20 patch, the health points of monsters will be reduced. There may be more changes related to the Challenge mode in the future and the team is currently monitoring the statistics.

The situation related to a bug in the new dungeon was also commented on, during which hundreds of players were able to get into the cooperative dungeon Island of Terror in groups of 10-30 players instead of the planned six. The developers apologize for the mistake, but assure that all those responsible have been punished. In the future, the company intends to react just as harshly to all violations of the user agreement.

In conclusion, Jongok An said that before the latest update, the work was mainly on improving existing content, and in the future the developers plan to show the game from a new side.

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