NCSOFT plans to create a mobile version of the MMORPG Throne and Liberty

NCSOFT plans to create a mobile version of the MMORPG Throne and Liberty

The South Korean portal MTN shared insider information about the situation with the MMORPG Throne and Liberty. According to the publication’s sources, NCSOFT plans to achieve a “revival” of the project, as was the case, for example, with the MMORPG Lost Ark. They want to do this by updating the game and launching a mobile version after the release of the global version. At the moment, all aspects are at the discussion stage, and it is not clear what exactly is meant by “mobile version”: a full port of the game to mobile platforms or the development of a new version of the game from scratch.

In addition, it is reported that producer Jongok Ahn (안종옥) has left his post, and development will be headed by Choi Moon-young (최문영), who serves as NCSOFT’s executive director of marketing and heads the development department CBO3which includes the Throne and Liberty team.

This week, representatives of Amazon Games visited South Korea to discuss the conditions and subtleties of launching the global version of the game. Release dates are still not officially announced, but everyone is hoping that the international version of Throne and Liberty will be released in 2024.

The South Korean version was released in December 2023 and did not meet the expectations of both the audience and NCSOFT. Amazon Games, which acts as a publisher on the Western market, has already conducted two stages of testing, but is still silent about the release date of the game.

NCSOFT plans to create a mobile version of the MMORPG NCSOFT plans to create a mobile version of the MMORPG Throne and Liberty

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