The final beta version of The First Descendant is now available for pre-download

The final beta version of The First Descendant is now available for pre-download

The day before the start of the final stage of technical beta testing of The First Descendant, the developers opened access to pre-loading. You can download the client on a PC, the size of which is approximately 22 GB, so as not to waste time on this after the servers are launched. Let us remind you that in order for the game to appear in your library, you must request access to page on Steam.

The final technical testing of The First Descendant will take place from May 25 (10:00 Moscow time) to May 27 (09:59 Moscow time), and everyone will be able to take part. Players will have the opportunity to play as 13 characters (11 standard and 2 ultimate) and visit 2 open locations (Kingston and Sterile Land). There will also be new content. In order for players to progress faster, they will be awarded various in-game support packs. Of course, after completing this stage, all accumulated progress will be deleted.

We talked about the technical test in more detail in a separate article.

The final beta version of The First Descendant is now The final beta version of The First Descendant is now available for pre-download

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