Description of the game
EVERWILD is a cartoon adventure game from the Rare studio that transports events into an alternative universe located at the junction of primitive tribes and fantasy scenery, reminiscent of the connection between time and space, and inhabited by fictional creatures.
The world around is curious, but not explored: the heroes, as if in the books of Kir Bulychev, wander the continents and islands, climb the slopes and descend into the lowlands, collect supplies and interact with local animals possessing abilities unusual by the standards of earthlings. The narrative is presented through the prism of secondary and main tests, which offer, albeit linear development, with the ability to choose the degree of “intensity” of entry into the local atmosphere.
It is not at all necessary to rush to every task – the developers are allowed to maintain a distance and observe many events from the side. With gameplay, distancing will not work – 90% of the time you have to be in the center of the story: looking for objects, crossing things, performing rituals and communicating with wandering souls. The whole process looks extremely curious, and therefore it’s time to move from words to deeds and rush into the maelstrom of the unknown …
On this page you can download the game EVERWILD for free via torrent from Mechanics on a PC. If the game is hacked, then along with the repack there is also a pill, a crack.
12 seeders / 93 leechers
Platforms: PC
Release date: TBA
Genre: Adventure
Developer: Rare Ltd.
Publisher / distributor: Xbox Game Studios
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