The Church in the Darkness download torrent
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Already today it is possible to download The Church in the Darkness torrent and learn the story of a cult based on communism and evangelism. This is a game in which a considerable number of famous stars took part in the development by invitation. Striking examples of this – Chris Avelon and Mark Laidlaw – are considered cult for all “role players”. Americans see in this game, first of all, the plot of the terrible tragedy of the nation – the mass suicides of members of the Peoples Temple sect, which took place in 1978 in Jonestown. And although it is difficult to say about it directly, but if you draw some parallels, then the conclusion suggests itself – the gameplay is based on real events.
Story line
The main essence of the game is based on the story of the “Mission of Collective Justice”, which preached Christianity and socialism. According to the plot, in the late 70s of the nineteenth century, in order to hide from the state government, the founders of the sect – Rebecca and Isaac Walker – organize the resettlement of cult members in the South American jungle. There they begin to build their own socialist utopia, called the City of Freedom. After Congressman Leo Ryan was assassinated in 1978, along with several well-known journalists who flew to Guyana to get acquainted with life in Jonestown, members of the religious movement, on the orders of their mentor, drank the poisonous mixture. It was a mass suicide, as a result of which 909 people died at the same time, of which 270 were children (they were first of all poisoned so that adults would not have to doubt their further actions).
If you download The Church in the Darkness torrent, you may encounter a similar story, but since this is still a game, a terrible tragedy can be avoided. The main character goes to the City of Freedom in order to take an interest in the life of a certain nephew Alex. He gets to the community by boat, having practically no equipment with him. You can take one of the available items with you to choose from – a first aid kit or a pistol. This is followed by local stealth – you need to get through many security posts to find out where his nephew is now. When Alex is finally found, he will ask our hero to talk to the leaders of the community. Here the player has a choice – to kill them or not. Each of the player’s decisions is fateful, so the outcome of the game is obviously unknown. This can not but intrigue for further passage. In general, the developers provide 19 possible options for the final completion of the gameplay.
Features of The Church in the Darkness:
- The realism of the plot: the same disputes between the members of the community, Alex and the main character, fiery and inspired, are simultaneously broadcast on the radio.
- The ability to choose a quest character – this will further determine his behavior and attitude towards cult members.
- The guards have a degree of anxiety. Periodically they go to check various suspicious things. Therefore, all evidence must be carefully hidden so as not to attract unwanted attention.
- Beautifully written graphics and character texts that change after each new playthrough.
- Nice voice acting for the characters.
- Non-linearity and unpredictability of the finale.
- The presence of voice messages: during the first hour and a half of the game, not a single remark will be repeated. At the same time, each of them carries its own plot meaning and in the process of further passage of The Church in the Darkness, the downloaded torrent will be the key to solving many logic puzzles.
System requirements
- Operating system: Windows™ 7 and higher
- Processor: Dual Core @ 2 GHz
- RAM: 4 GB
- Video Card: NVIDIA / AMD
- Disk space: 2 GB
The Church in the Darkness download torrent
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